Friday, September 7, 2007

Welcome To the Monthly project

This new project is strictly for those who are looking to trade more in the stock market while we wait for the StockDoubling project.

I wouldn't suggest taking money out of the stockdoubling project for this new project. The StockDoubling project has done very well since its start but it does take time.

This new project is for those of you who are more hands on and want to trade a little more.

I will find 1-2 stocks a month that have a decent shot of moving up 10-30% over the next 30-60 days and good long term value as well.

I will personally put roughly $500-$700 into each stock and then send out an email about my entry and what I am looking for etc...

You MUST be on the new list for the StockDoubling Project. I will not be sending these new picks to the regular StockDoubling list as I don't want to confuse things. So this is a totally new project so you will need to be on a new list.

To sign up for the New Monthly StockDoubling List you can find the next blog post.

I may have my first pick for this new project later today Friday September 7th.

Thank you
Steve Hoven

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